A ampere
a. acceleration
a. area
A absolute temperature
AA approximate absolute
AAC approximate
amplitude control
AAE American Association
of Engineers
AA(E)E American Association of
Electrical Engineers
AAW air-acetylene welding
AB air-blast
Ab air-breaker
AB(S) American Bureau of Shipping
ABB air-blast circuit breaker
ABB automatic back bias
abbr. abbreviation
ABC automatic bias compensation
ABC automatic bias control
ABC air blast cooled
ABC automatic boiler control
ABDC after bottom dead center
A. BRG aft bearing
ABRSV RES abrasive resistant
ABS American Bureau of
ABS. absolute
Abs. E absolute error
abs(t). abstracts(s)
abs. t absolute temperature
abs. visc absolute viscosity
AC air cool(er)
ac(c). accumulator
A.C..a.c. alternative current
AC analog computer
AC automatic control
AC axial centrifugal
A/C air compressor
A/C air conditioning
ACB air circuit breaker
ACC automatic combustion control
ACC ALARM acoustic alarm
ACCU automatic control system
certified for unattended engine
AC-DC alternating current direct current
ACE air conditioning equipment
ACI annealed cast iron
ACON air conditioning
ACR automatic controller
ACR automatic current regulator
ac rel alternating current relay
ACS-O access opening
ACV automatic control valve
ACW anti-clockwise
AD average deviation
A.D. Anno Domini
ADA automatic data acquisition
ADA CONV. A/D converter
ADD. ALARM INFO. additional alarm
adj.sp. adjustable speed
A/D REF. A/D reference
ADV. advanced
AE absolute error
AE.A.E. assistant engineer
AE auxiliary engine
AF anti-fouling
AF anti-fouling paint
AF axial flow
AFB antifriction bearing
AFCO automatic fuel cutoff
AFM antifriction metal
AFT automatic frequency tuner
AFT.A.F.T. automatic fine tuning
AFTW afterward
AFWC automatic feed water control
AGC automatic gain control
agg. aggregate
AH access hole
AH.A.h ampere-hour
AHM. Ahm ampere-hour meter
AHVC automatic high-voltage control
AI all iron
AIEE American Institute of Electrical
AIV air inlet valve
AJ alloy junction
AK adaptation kit
Al.B aluminium bronze
ALBC aluminium bronze casting
ALC aluminium casting
alk. alkali(ne)
Alni alloyed nickel steel
Alnico alloyed nickel cobalt steel
ALSI aluminium silicon
AM ampltitude modulation
am.a.m. antemeridiem
A.M. arithmetic mean
A.M.M.I. American Merchant Marine
A/M auto-manual
AMB arms bronze
Amp ampere
Amp.hr ampere-hour
amp.in amplifier input
amp.out amplifier output
AMTEC automatic time element
ANACOM analog computer
Ann Rep annual report
an wt actual net weight
AO access opening
AOC air oil cooler
A-oil aviation oil
AOIV automatically operated inlet valve
AOP automatic operations panel
AOP auxiliary oil pump
AOV automatically operated valve
AP access panel
AP autopilot
AP atomic power
AP automatic programming
APC automatic program control
API.A.P.I. degree of American Petroleum
APP.app appendix
appr. approximate
APS accessory power supply
APS automatic phase shifter
A.P.S. automatic phase synchronization
APU auxiliary power unit
A-R assembly and repair
ARC automatic remote control
arc/w arc weld
arrang. arrangement
ARTU automatic range tracing unit
ARU automatic range unit
art(s). article(s)
AS annual survey
AS automatic synchronizer
ASC automatic sensibility control
ASCU abort sensing control unit
A.S.N.A. & M.E. American Society of
Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers
ASNE American Society of Naval
ASP automatic switching panel
ASPP alloy steel protective plating
ASR acceptance summary report
ASRE American Society of Refrigeration
Ass. association
asst. assistant
AST American standard thread
ASTC automatic steam-temperature
ASU automatic synchronizing unit
ASV acceleration-switching valve
ASV angle stop valve
ASV automatic shuttle valve
AT acceptant test
AT(S). At(s).A.t. ampere-turns
at(m) atmosphere
ata. atmospheric pressure, absolute
ATC automatic temperature controller
ATDC after top dead center
atg. atmospheric pressure guage
a-tr auto-transformer
ATS absolute temperature scale
att. attachment
AU automatic
AU STA automatic start
AU STAF automatic start failure
AU STO automatic stop
AU STOF automatic stop failure
AUT Automation
AUTO automation
aut(o). automatic
Autmn. automation
AUTO P. automation priority
auto S & CV automatic stop and check valve
aux. auxiliary
AUXBO auxiliary boiler
AV air vent
a.v. acid value
avg. average
AVM automatic vehicle monitoring
AVR. Automatic voltage regulator
AW auxiliary winding
AWM arc welding machine
AWP. awaiting parts
awp actual working pressure
ax. axis
B.b breadth
B bulk modulus
BA breathing apparatus
BA bridging amplifier
Ba(t) battery
BA bronze alloy
BA buffer amplifier
Bab. , bab babbit metal
B&MS boiler and machinery surveyed
B&S bell and spigot
B&W Babcock Wilcox
B&W Burmeister and Wain
BALL. ballast
BAohm British Association ohm
Bar barrel
bar.pr. barometric pressure
Bb,Bb babbit metal
BB ball bearing
BBC Brown-Boveri
BBC before bottom center
BBZ beaing bronze
BC bronze casting
BC British Corporation
BC between centers
B.C. Before Christ
B.C. board of control
BCD base circle diameter
BD switch board
BDC. B.D.C. bottom dead center
BDP bottom dead point
BDV breakdown voltage
BF back-feed
BF boiler feed
BFP boiler feed pump
BH Brinell hardness
B/head bulk head
BHN.Bhn Brinell hardness number
BHNO Brinell hardness number
BHP, bhp.b.h.p. brake-horse-power
BHPh brake-horse-power per hour
BJ ball joint
BJ brass jacket
BL barrel
B/lash back lash
B/L bill of lading
bltn bulletin
BM brake (electro) magnet
BM buffer module
Bm babbit metal
BMEP brake mean effective power
bmp brake mean power
BOT Board of Trade Unit (=1 kW.h)
BP blueprint
BO.b.p. boiling point
BO back pressure
BP barometric pressure
BP below proof
BP boiler plant
BP boiler pressure
BP British Petroleum Company
BPV back pressure valve
BR boiler (system)
BR.Br bridge
B.R. book of reference
BRG bearing
Brl barrel
BRT brutto register tonne
BS boiler surveyed
BS button switch
B/S bill of store
Bsf brass forging
BSFT British standard fine thread
Bt British thermal unit
BTDC before top dead center
BThE brake thermal efficiency
BThU British thermal unit
BTU.B.T.U., btu.b.t.u. British thermal unit
BV ball valve
BV breakdown voltage
BV.B.V. Bureau Veritas
B.V.U. British viscosity unit
BW (ELL) bilge well
BWV back-water valve
BZ bronze
BZ buzzer
C.c (ap) capacity
C Celsius scale
C(ent).c centigrade
Ca air-cooled
CA compressed air
CAD contract award date
Cal kilocalorie
cal calorie
cal val calorific value
CAMS computer assisted measurement
capt. captain
CAS cast alloy steel
CAS NUT castle nut
CAT computer aided test
Cat., cat. catalogue
CB crew boat
CB circuit breaker
CB contact beaker
CB control board
CB control button
CBr cast brass
CONTR. control
contr. contract
C.W cooling water
Corp. corporaton
COSCO China Ocean Shipping (Group)
COST contaminated oil settling tank
COV check-out valve
COV cutout valve
COW crude oil washing
CP control point
CP constant pressure
Cp.c.p. controllable pitch
C/P control panel
CPF complete power failure
CPP.c.p.p. controllable pitch propeller
CPS,c.p.s.,c/s cycle per second
CR compression ratio
CRE corrosion resistant
CRES corrosion resistant steel
CRM count (ing) rate meter
CROSSH cross head
CRS.crs corrosion resistant steel
crs cross-section
CrV chrome vanadium
CS carbon steel
CS cast steel
CS common steel
CS control signal
CS control switch
CS crank shaft
CS cross section
CS current source
CS current strength
C/S case goods
CSP cast steel plate
cs(t). cSt centistokes
CSEU Confederation of Ship building
and Engineering Unions
C.S.R. continuous serving rating
CT constant temperature
ct. circuit
ct. current
CTC centralized control
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion
C to C centre to centre
C.T.C.test controlled thermal cracking test
CTU centigrade thermal unit
CU closed-up (piezoelectric) crystal unit
cu.cm cubic centimeter(s)
cu.ft cubic foot (feet)
cu.in cubic inch (es)
CU NI copper nickel alloy
Cur., curt. current
CUP copper plate
Cus. Ho. Customs House
CV check valve
C.V. calorific vale
CV check valve
C.V. calorific value
CV constant velocity
CW cold worked
CW cooling water
CW.cw. copper weld
CWC chilled water circuit
CWS chilled water supply
cyl. cylinder
CYL.O. cylinder (lubricating) oil
D dead-weight
D.d diameter
D.d displacement
D.d. displacement
d depth
d.deg degree
D.A. depth (draft) average
D/A documents attached
d.a. direct-acting
d.a. double-acting
DAG direct-acting gear
DALT diesel alternator
DB.dB decibel
DB distribution box
dbl-act double acting
DBOTT double.bottom
DB switch double break switch
dBm decibel meter
DBS donkey boiler surveyed
DC.DC. .dc. dead centre
DC.D.C.dc. direct current
DC drag coefficient
D/C drawing change
DCG direct current generator
DCI ductile cast iron
DCM direct current main
DCOF disconnection failure
DCP direct current panel
DCV direction control valve
DD.dd drydock
DE diesel-electric
DE display equipment
DEC.D.E.C. distant electric control
dely. delivery
den. density
Dept. .dept. department
derd diesel electrical reduction drive
Desig. designation
DET. .det. detail(s)
dev. device
DEVIA deviation
DF decontamination facility
DF decontamination factor
Df drive fit
Dft.drt draft
DG. D.G..dg degaussing
DG diesel generator
DG.dg double gear
D.GEN diesel (engine) generator
DH drain hole
d.h.g. double helical gear
DHP designed horse-power
Dia., dia. diameter
DIFF. VOLT differential voltage
DIM. dim dimension
dis(ch). discharge
DISCON disconnected
displ. displacement
dist. distilled
dkyd dockyard
DL dead load
DM depth molded
dm decimeter
d mld depth molded
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DO. DO diesel oil
do ditto
doc. document
DOD date on dock
doz. dozen
DP damp proofing
DP dash pot (relay)
DP dead point
DP difference of potential
dp differential pressure
DPDT double-pole double-throw
DPH diamond penetrator hardness
DPH diamond pyramid hardness
DPN diamond pyramid number
dpst double-pole single-throw
DR differential relay
DR double reduction (gear)
dr. draft
drg. drawing
drg. d.r.g. double reduction gear
dsgn design
d.spec. design specification
DS Ducol high tensile steel
DSB distribution switch board
DSBV double-seated ball valve
DSCH discharge
DT double-thread
DT dust-tight
DTS double-throw switc
DTSW double throw switch
DU duty cycle
dup. duplicate
dur. duration
DVM digital voltmeter
DW distilled water
DW. D.W., dw.d.w. deadweight
DWC dead weight capacity
dwg. drawing
DWL designed water line
DWT. dwt. deadweight tonnage
DY.D.Y.,Dy(d).d.y. dock yard
dz dozen
E modulus of elasticity
E.c. electric tension
E(a) earth
E second class ship (Lloyd)
E Engler degree
E Engler seconds
e eccentricity
e. error
EA electrical artificer
EAC electric arrangement certificate
E & CN engine and crew navigation
E & SP equipment and spare parts
E & SP employment and suitability test
E & ST evaluation and service test
EC enamel-convered wire
EC error correcting
EC earth current
ECC engine-room control center
ECL equipment component list
E.C.R. engine control room
ECS engine control system
ED error detecting
EDC estimated date of completion
EE.E.E. electrical engineer
ee errors excepted
EF emergency facilities
eff. efficiency
Eff.O efficiency overall
e.g. exempli gratia (for example)
EHC electro hydraulic control
EHP. E.H.P., e.h.p. effective horse-power
EHP. e.h.p electric horse-power hour
EHT extra high tension
EHV extra-high voltage
EI equipment incomplete
EL elastic limit
EL electric system
Elec. .elec. electric
electrn electrician
EMD electric motor driven
EMERG. emergency
EMF. emf electro motive force
emg emergency
EMP effective mean pressure
EMP electro mechanical power
EM. power emergency switch
EmS emergency switch
ENG. engine
eng rm engine room
engr engineer
Entr. entrance
EO engine oil
EO engine room zero people
EOE.E. & O.E. errors and omissions
EOT end of test
EOV electrically operated valve
EP electro- pneumatic
EP electrical propulsion
e.p. end point
EP extreme pressure
E.P.L. equipment performance log
EPR engine pressure ratio
EPS electric power storage
EPS emergency power supply
EPV electro pneumatic valve
equip. equipment
equiv. equivalent
ER engineering report
ER.E.R. engine room
Eq., eq. equation
e.r. evaporation rate
ERL erosion resistant lacquer
ERS equipment requirement
es. e.s. earth switch
ESB emergency switchboard
ESD extra super duralumin (alloy)
ESHP estimated shaft horse-power
ESHP effective summed horse-power
ESSEN essential
est.wt estimated weight
ETA.E.T.A. estimated time of arrival
E.T.C. estimated time of completion
etc. et cetera (and so forth)
ETE engineering test evaluation
ETF engine test facility
ETP engine test panel
ETS engine test stand
et seq. et sequential (the following)
evap. evaporation
EX., ex. example
EX exhaust
ex. excess
exam. examine
EXBOI exhaust boiler
exd examined
EXH.EXH exhaust
EXH.G(as) exhaust gas
EXHST exhaust
EXHST RECVR exhaust receiver
EXH.V exhaust valve
exp. experiment
EXP. expansion
EXP tank expansion tank
EXPTK expansion tank
EXT extinguisher
ext. external
F Fahrenheit
F flow
F. f foot (feet)
f coefficient of friction
f frequency
F degree of Fahrenheit
FA forced air-cooled
F/A fuel-air ratio
Fals fatigue alternating stress
FAQ free at quay
FAS free alongside ship
FAT final acceptance trials
FAT. STR fatigue strength
FB front bearing
f.b.p. fixed blade(d) propeller
F.BRG. fore bearing
FC ferro cast
FC field coil
FC flow controller
F.C. fire control
FC floating crane
F/C valve feed and check valve
FCC facility control console
FCS fire control system
FCS forged carbon steel
FCU fuel control unit
FD floating dock
FD flame detector
FD.F.D., f.d. forced draft
FDF forced draught fan
F/d valve fill and drain valve
FDW feed water
FE fire extinguisher
FEEDW feed water
FER Final Engineering Report
FF fire-fighting
FF fuel flow
FFB fluid film bearing
FFO furnace fuel oil
FHS flat head crew
FH fire hose
FHP.fhp frictional horse-power
F.Hy fire hydrant
FI flow indicator
FIG., fig. figure
FILTR filter
FIREX fire extinguisher
FL forced lubrication
FL. F/L forced lubrication
FL, F/L full load
fl.pt., fl pt flash point
FLR flow rate
FLT fault-locating test
FLU fault location unit
FM field magnet
FM fire main
FM, f.m. frequency modulation
fn foot-note
FNP,fnp, fn.pt. fusion point
FO, fo firing order
FO, F.O. fuel oil
FOB free on board
foll. following
FORW forward
FOS factor of safety
FP feeding panel
FP filling pipe
FP, F.P., f.p. fire plug
FP, fp, f.p. flash point
FP, fp, f.p. freezing point
fp fire proof
fp feed pump
FP fuel oil purifier
f..p. fusible plug
FPA fire protection apparatus
fpm, f.p.m., f/m feet per minute
FPP fixed pitch propeller
FPS, F.P.S. foot-pound-second (unit)
fps, s.p.s., f/s feet per second
FPU fuel purification unit
FR field rheostat
FR frequency response
F/R fuel remained
FREQ frequency
FRES fire resistant
FRM fire room
FRM frequency meter
Frs. frs frames
FRZ freezing
FS, F.S., f/s factor of safety
FS field switch
FS fire switch
FS forged steel
FSM foam smothering system in
machinery space
FST forged steel
FT fume-tight
ft foot
ft-lb foot-pound
FTV foot valve
FUNC. TEST function test
furn. furnished
FV flush valve
FV fuel valve
FW,F.W. fresh water
FW,F.W. feed water
F.W.GEN fresh water generator
F.W. full weight
FWP filament wound glass reinforced
fxd fixed
fz fuze
G.g. gauge
GL ship classed in Germanischer
g acceleration of gravity
g(s) gauss
g gram
GA,g.a. general arrangement
GA general assembly
GA general average
g.a.d. general assembly drawing
Gal, gal gallon
galv. galvanized
galv.I galvanized iron
GB gear box
GC gas compressor
GCI gray cast iron
GCT general classification test
Gd ground
GE gasoline engine
GE(C) General Electric Co
GEN, gen generator
genl general
GI galvanized iron
GIB galvanized iron bolt
GL,G.L. German (ischer) Lloyd
g.l. ground lamp
g/L gram per liter
GLV globe valve
gm gram
GM gun metal
gmbl gimbal
GMET gun metal
GMI galvanized malleable iron
GMS gas smothering system in
machinery space
GMT Greenwich mean time
GOR general operational requirement
gp gauge pressure
gph, g.p.h. gallons per hour
gpm.g.p.m. gallons per minute
GR,g.r. gear ratio
Gr grade
gr. gross
GRP glass reinforced plastics
Grs grease
GRT, G.R.T., grt, g.r.t. gross registered
gr.wt. gross weight
Gs galvanized steel
GS, G.S. general service
GSH gas smothering system in cargo
GSIL German Silver
gskt gasket
GSV globe stop valve
GT gas tight
GT gas turbine
GT gross ton
GT, G.T., G/T, g.t. gross tonnage
GTV, gt.v. gate valve
GU general use
GW, G.W. gross weight
GWT gross weight
gyro gyroscope
H head
H, h heat content
H(r), h (r) hour
h height
H & G harden and grind
H & T handling and transportation
H & T harden and tempered
HB high boiler
HB, Hb, HBr . Brinell hardness
h/bone herring-bone
HC hand control
HC heating coil
HC, HCS high carbon steel
HC hydraulic cylinder
HCV high calorific valve
HD, hd hard-drawn
HD heavy duty
HD heavy duty lubricating
H.D.O. heavy duty oil
HE heat engine
HE heat exchanger
HF high frequency
hf half
HF heavy fuel oil
HFO, H.F.O. heavy fuel oil
Hg hydragyrum (mercury)
hg helical gear
HHV, hhv high heating valve
Hi-Q high quality
Hi-T high torque
hi-volt high-voltage
HP hand pump
HP, H.P., hp, h.p. high-pressure
HP horizontal plane
HP, H.P., hp,h.p. horse power
HPBFP high-pressure boiler-feed pump
HP-h, hp-hr horse-power-hour
HPN, HPNom horse-power-nominal
HPT high pressure turbine
HPU hydraulic pumping unit
HQ high quality
HR Hellenic Register of Shipping
HR, Hr, HRc Rockwell harndness
HRB heat recover boiler
Hr. off. harbor office
HRSH heat recovery steam generator
HS heating surface
HS high speed
HS, HSS high speed steel
Hs Shore sclero-scope harness
HSLA high-strength low-alloy (steel)
HT high temperature
HT heat treatment
HTC heat transfer coefficient
htr heat treatment
HV Vickers hardness
h.w.m. high water mark
hyd. hydraulic
HYDR hydraulic
Hz hertz
I, i electric current
I inertia
I moment of inertia
I ship classed in Registro Italiano
IA input axial
I & C inspection and checkout
I & C installation and checkout
IACS International Association of
Classification Society
ib, ibid. ibidem
IC, I.C. index correction
IC inductance-capacitance
IC integrated circuit
ic iron core
ICE, I.C.E., ice, i.c.e. internal combustion
ICR inductance-capacitance-resistance
ICS International Chamber of
ICSLS, I.C.S.L.S. International Conference on
Safety of Life at Sea
ID, I.D.i.d. induced draft
ID inside diameter
ID installation drawing
id. idem
IDF induced draught fan
IE index error
i.e. id est
IET initial engine test
IF intermediate frequency
ig involute gear
ign. ignition
IGS inert gas system
IHP, I.H.P., ihp, i.h.p. indicated horse-
ihp-hr indicated horse power-hour
IM induction motor
I. Mar E. Institute of Marine Engineers
IMC, I.M.C. International Maritime
IMCO, I.M.C.O. International Maritime
Consultative Organization
IME Institute of Marine Engineers
I.M.E.I. Institute of Marine Engineers
IMEP, imep, i.m.e.p. indicated mean
effective pressure
IMO International Maritime Organization
in inch
inc. inclusive
inc. incorporated
INCIN incinerator
incl. including
ind. index
in, ex in extensor
inhg inches of mercury
inH2O inches of water
insp. inspector
inst instrument
inst(l) installation
INST CTL instrumentation control (racks)
Inst.Mar.E Institute of Marine Engineers
Instr. instruction
INT. internal
int.al inter alia
INTERPET international Petroleum Company
INTSH intermediate shaft
INTSTD THD international standard thread
I-O. I/O input-output
IP.I.P., ip, i.p. intermediate pressure
IP iron pipe
IPS iron pipe size
ips internal pipe size
IPT internal pipe thread
IPY, ipy inches penetration per year
IR India rubber
IR induction regulator
IR infra-red
IR, I.R., i.r. inside radius
IR insulation resistance
ir internal resistance
irreg irregular
ISA International Standard
ISF International Shipping Federation
isom. isometric
isoth isothermal
IT internal thread
IT international tolerance
itga internal gauge
IU international unit
lg (th) length
LH. L.H. latent heat
LH, L.H., lh, left-hand (ed)
L/h liter per hour
LHV low heat value
LI level indicator
LIM, lim limit
LIMDAT limiting date
L/L lower limit
LLI liquid level indicator
LM light metal
LMA low-melting alloy
LMC, L.M.C. Lloyd's Machinery Certificate
L/min liter per minute
LN lot number
LN, ln natural logarithm
LNG, L.N.G. liquefied natural gas
LO lift off
LO lock-in
LO, L.O. lubricating oil
LOC. location
LOA, L.O.A. length overall
LOC lubricating oil cooler
LOTNK lubricating oil tank
log logarithm
LOT load on top
LP low power
LP, L.P., lp, l.p. low-pressure
LP lub. oil purifier
LPB low pressure boiler
LPG, L.P.G. liquefied petroleum gas
LR, L.R. Lloyd's Register of Shipping
L.R.M.C. Lloyd's Refrigerating Machinery Certificate
LS lead sheet
LS limit switch
LS low speed
L/s liter per second
L.S.A. l.s.a. life saving apparatus
LSR light sensitive resistor
LST light sensitive tube
LSV roll-on roll-off
L/SW limit switch
LT large tug, ocean-going,
LT, l.tn. long ton
LT low temperature
Ltd limited
LTT low temperature tempering
Lub, lub lube oil, lubricating oil
LV low voltage
LVP low-voltage protection
LVR line-voltage regulator
L.W. lap welding
L x W x H length x width x height
LWL. L.W.L. load water line
l.w.m. low water mark
LZ lead zinc primer
M bending moment
M marine type
M, m meter
M, m mile
M moment of force
M, m mean
M, m medium
M, m motor
m mass
M million
m milli
MA magnetic amplifier
MADAR malfunction analysis detection and
MADREC malfunction detection and
magamp magnetic amplifier
maj. majority
mal. I malleable iron
MAN, M.A.N. Maschinenfabric Augsberg-Nurnberg
M & A main and auxiliaries
M & CU monitor and control unit
MA manual
MA STA manual start
MA STAF manual start failure
MA STO manual stop
MA STOF manual stop failure
M & O maintenance and operation
M & S model and series
Mang. B manganese bronze
MANOV REC. manoeuvring recorder
mar (g) margin
MARPOL International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from
MASW master switch
MAX, Max, max maximum
MAXLOG maximum log
MB electromagnetic brake
M-B make-break
MBB magnetic blow-out circuit breaker
MBB make-before break
Mbt maximum brake torque
MC machinery certificate
MC, mc megacycle
M/C manual control
MCI malleable cast iron
MCR, M.C.R., m.c.r. maximum continuous ratings
MCR, m.c.r. maximum continuous revolution
MCtr master controller
MCtt magnetic contactor
MD, M.D. molded depth
ME, M.E. main engine
ME mechanical efficiency
ME, M. E. marine engineer
M/E mechanical/electrical
med s medium steel
MEG megohm
mehp, m.e.h.p. mean effective horse-power
MEMRY memory
M.EMG main engine
MEP, M.E.P. mean effective pressure
MF main feed
MF medium frequency
m.f. machine finishing
MF multiplying factor
MFR, Mfr manufacturer
MG, M.G. main generator
MG mill glazed
MG motor generator
mg milligram
MGC maximum guaranteed capacity
MgS electromagnetic switch
MgV electromagnetic valve
MHF medium-high frequency
MHz megahertz
MI miscellaneous
mic. micrometer
min minute
min. minimum
MIP, m.i.p mean indicated pressure
mix. mixture
MK mark
MKS, M.K.S.meter-kilogram-second (system)
ML main engine lubricating oil
ML mechanical loss
ML, M.L. mid-line
ml milliliter
MLINE main line
MM, M.M. main motor
MM main engine maneuvering
mm millimeter
MNS Machinery Nippon Standard
M.N.W.P. maximum normal working
MO machinery space zero people
mo, m.o. manually operated
M.O.P. maximum oil pressure
MP main pump
MP, M.P., mp, m.p. medium pressure
MP, m.p. melting point
mpb, m.p.b. maximum pressure boost
mph, m.p.h, m/h miles per hour
MPO maximum power output
mps, m.p.s., m/s meters per second
MPSH mean pressure suction head
mpt melting point
MS machinery surveyed
MS, M.S., M/S motor ship
m.s. margin of safety
MSL maximum service life
MSV main stop valve
MT maximum torque
MT metal temperature
MTBM mean time between maintenances
MTD mean temperature difference
MTTR mean time to repair
MTU metric unit
MV mean value
MV, M.V., M/V motor vessel
MWP maximum working pressure
MWV maximum working voltage
N Newton
N ship classed in Norske Veritas
N/A naval architect
n/a non available
na not available
NAMA National Association of Marine
Engine Builders
N.A.M.E. National Association of Marine
Engineers of Canada
naut. nautical
N.B., n.b. nate bene (note well)
NC national coarse thread
NC normally closed
NC, N/C numerical control
NCM non-corrosive metal
ND, N.D., n.d. natural draft
NDI non-destructive inspection
NDT nondestructive testing
NEF national extra fine thread
NETWK VOLT net working voltage
Net Wt, net wt net weight
NF national fine thread
NF negative feedback
NF noise factor
NF noise figure
NFB negative feedback
NHP, N.H.P., nhp, n.h.p. nominal horse-power
Ni Cr S, Ni. Cr. S nickel chromium steel
NiS nickel steel
NI Sil nickel-silver
NK (K), N.K.(K.) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
(Japanese Marine Corporation)
NLS non-linear system
NM, N.M., n mile nautical mile
NM nickel manganese steel
NM non-metallic
NMC nickel-manganese-chromium steel
NO, No number
NO normally open
NO. STBY no-standby
Nom, nom. nominal
nom. nomenclature
norm. normal
NORM clsd normally closed
NORM OPN normally open
Nos numbers
NP name-plate
NP National Pipe
NPS American Standard Straight Pipe
NPSH net positive suction head
NRT normal rated thrust
NRT, n.r.t. net registered tonnage
NRV non-return valve
NS nickel steel
nsp non self-propelled
NSS Nippon Ship Building Standard
nt number of teeth
NTP National Taper Pipe
NTS, N.T.S. not to scale
Nt wr, nt wt net weight
NV, N.V. Norske Veritas
N/V number of revolutions to speed
NWL normal water level
Nwt, N.W, n.wt net weight
OA, O.A. overall
OA output axis
oad overall dimension
O & M operation and maintenance
O & R overhaul and repair
OAW oxy-acetylene welding
OB, O.B. oil and bulk carrier
OBW observation window
O.C., o.c., o/c open circuit
OC, o/c overcharge
OCB overload circuit breaker
occ open circuit characteristic
OCE office of the Chief Engineer
OD, O.D., od, o.d. outside diameter
ODP outer dead point
OF. over-flow
OF oil fuel
off. office
OFF NO official number
OF.TK over-flow tank
OH oil hardened
Oh, oh ohm
OHM ohmmeter
OI operating instructions
O.I.A. operation indicating and alarming
OIL operation inspection log
OK, O.K. all correct
OL oil level
OL open loop
OL overall length
OLOAD over load
OLR overload relay
OM overturning moment
O.N. octane number
OP oil pressure
OP oil pump
OP output
OP over pressure
OP over proof
OP instr operational instruction
oper. operator
OPR.W. operating water
OPT output transformer
opt. optimum
OQ oil-quenched
OR operation record
OR operation requirement
OR, O.R., or, o.r. outside radius
OR overload relay
ord. ordinary
orse otherwise
OS operating system
OS, os oversize
OST on site test
O.T. oil tanker
OT output transformer
OTO out-to-out
OTR overload time relay
OUTLT outlet
O.V. over voltage
OVLD, ovld overload
OW oil-immersed water-cooled
O.W.L. over waterline
OZ, oz ounce
P pitch
P, p poise
P, p power
P, p pressure
P page
Pa pascal
p.a. per annual
PA power amplifier
P & S port and starboard
PAR, par. parallel
Par. paragraph
PB pull box
PB push button
pb phosphor bronze
pc, p.c. per cent
PC phot-conductor
PC piston coolant
P/C price catalogue
P/C parts catalog
pcs pieces
PCV pressure control valve
PD, P.D., pd, p.d. pitch diameter
PD potential device
PD potential difference
PD power driven
PD proportional differential
pds potential differences
PDU power distribution unit
PE permissible error
PE power equipment
PEC photoelectric cell
PEC, P.E.C., p.e.c. printed electronic circuit
PENAVICO China Ocean Shipping Agency
Pet. Prod. petroleum product
PF positive feedback
PF, P.F., p.f. power factor
pf. profile
PGS power generation system
P.H. pilot house
ph protection helmet
PH BRZ phosphor bronze
PH hydrogen ion concentration
p.h. per hour
phm phase meter
PHP, P.H.P., php, p.h.p. propeller horse-
Pi, P.I., p.i. power input
PID proportional integral differential
PIST piston
PIV positive infinitely variable PIV
PL pay load
PL peak load
PL plant layout
PL proportional limit
P/L pipe-line
plstc plastics
plywd plywood
PM phase modulation
p.m. per minute
p.m. purpose made
PMG permanent magnet generator
PMVR prime mover
P/N. PN part number
pneu. pneumatic
PO, P.O. plotting office
PO, P.O., p.o. power output
POC port of call
POL petroleum, oil and lubricants
POS position
PP peak power
PP power panel
PP, P.P. peak-to-peak
PP power plant
PP pressure-proof
PPM, ppm. p.p.m. parts per million
PPS, pps periods per second
PR propeller
PS propeller shaft
PRC, P.R.C. People's Republic of China
PRESS pressure
PRESS prf pressure proof
PRS Poliski Rejecstr Statkow
PRU pneumatic regulation unit
PRV peak reverse voltage
PRV pressure reducing valve
PS pferde starke (metric horse-power)
PS power supply
PS power switch
p.s. per second
p/s periods per second
PSA post shake-down availability
psf, p.s.f. pounds per square foot
psi, p.s.i. pounds per square inch
sia pounds per square inch absolute
psid pounds per square inch
psig pounds per square inch gauge
PT phototube
PT pipe thread
Pt, pt pint
PT potential transformer
PT power transformer
PT pressure test
PTC positive temperature coefficient
ptd painted
PTO, pto, p.t.o. please turn over
PTO power takeoff
P/trans pressure transmiteer
PU propulsion unit
PU pump unit
pu power unit
PURIF purifier
PV peak voltage
PVT pressure-volume-temperature
PW packed weight
PWR AMP(L) power amplifier
PWR SUP power supply
QA quality assurance
QA quick-acting
QC quick control
QD quick disconnect
QF quick-firing
qf quick-freezing
Qh higher (gross) calorific value, higher (gross) heating value.
QL lower (net) calorific value, lower
(net) heating value
Qo quenched in oil
QOD quick-opening device
qr quarter
qt quart
QT qualification test
q.v. quod vide
QW quenched in water
Qz quartz
R resistance
R ship classed in A.B.
RA, Ra Rockwell hardness A scale
RAC rapid air cool
RAD radial
Rad, rad radian
RAR repair as required
RB, Rb Rockwell hardness B-scale
RB roller bearing
RC, R.C., R/C., rc, r.c. remote control
RC resistance-capacitance
RC, Rc Rockwell hardness C-scale
RCC resistance capacity coupling
RCE remote control equipment
RCR reverse current relay
RCS remote control system
r.c.w.v. rated continuous working voltage
RD TOL roundness tolerance
RE radial error
Re Reynolds number
RECIRC recirculating
RECOMP recommended completion date
(for a ship's overhaul)
Recomp recommended completion date
(for a ship's overhaul)
RECTI rectifier
Red. Redwood
ref. reference
REFL reference line
REFR refrigeration
REG, reg register
reg. tn register ton
REL relief valve
relf.vl relief valve
rem. remark
rem con remote control
REQ required
REV revised
Rev., rev. revolution
rev. reverse
RF residual fired
RFA request for alternation
RFB rectified feedback
RFO refueling oiler
R/G relay group
RgR regulating rheostat
RH Rockwell hardness
R.H., r.h. right-hand
RHC Rockwell hardness C-scale
RHI relative humidity indicator
RHN Rockwell hardness number
R.H.P., rhp, r.h.p. rated horse-power
RI (NA) Register Italiano (Navale)
R. 1.sec Redwood No.1 second
RKVA reactive-kilovolt-ampere
RL reference line
RM, Rm room
RMC, R.M.C. Refrigerating Machinery
r/min revolution per minute
RMS root-mean-square
RN Reynolds number
RPM, R.P.M., rpm, r.p.m., r/min
revolution per minute
RPS, R.P.S., rps, r.p.s., r/s
revolution per second
RR reverse relay
RR, R.R. Russian Register of Shipping
R/R remove and replace
Rr reduction ratio
RS rotary switch
RSB reserve switchboard
RQ (be) required
R/T radio telephone
RT receiver-transmitter
RT rotary transformer
RTD resistance temperature detector
RV relief valve
RW Redwood
S salinity
S, s second
S.(t) stokes
SA scavenging air
SA, s.a. sectional area
sa semi-automatic
s.a. semi-acting
SAL service action log
Satd saturated
S & CDU switch and cable distribution unit
SAR starting air receiver
SAU status alarm unit
SB soot blower
SB stuffing box
SB, S.B., s.b. switch board
SBT segregated ballast tanks
SC, sc scale
SC, S/C,s.c. short circuit
SC standard condition
S/C supercharger
SCAV. scavenging
SCAV.AIR RECVR scavenging air receiver
SCAVR scavenging air
Sc.H Scleroscope hardness
schem schematic
SCI special cast iron
SCIC, S.C.I.C. semiconductor integrated
SCR silicon controlled rectifier
SCS silicon controlled switch
SCSH structural carbon steel hard
SCSM structural carbon steel medium
SCSS structural carbon steel soft
SCW, S.C.W., s.c.w. standard copper wire
SD sectional drawing
SD BL sand blast
sec second
SEC WND secondary winding
SECO sequential control
sel. selector
SELF PROP self-propelled
SEP separator
SER series
SER NO series number
SERTK service tank
SERV. service
SERV AIR service air
SERV AIR COMP service air compressor
servo servomechanism
sett. settling
SF safety factor
SF safety fuse
SF second Saybold Furol
SF scale factor
SF system fail
SFC, S.F.C. specific fuel consumption
SF Thread System Franais Thread
SG screw gaug
SG specific gravity
SG strain gauge
sgl single
SG iron, sg iron spheroidal graphite iron
SH Scleroscope hardness
SH surface-hardened
sh abs shock absorber
SHAFT BRG. intermediate shaft bearing
SHF supper-high frequency
ShI sheet iron
SHP, S.H.P., shp, s.h.p. shaft horse-power
sh.t(o)n short ton
SI salinity indicator
SI System International
SIC semiconductor integrated circuit
Sig., sig. signal
SIT, s.i.t. spontaneous ignition temperature
sk. sketch
S/L streamlined
SM starting motor
SM synchronous motor
s.m. servomotor
smkls smokeless
smls seamless
SMS silicon-manganese steel
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers
SNC steel nickel chrome
S.O. senior officer
S-O shut-off
Soc. society
SOLAS (International Convention for) the
Safety Of Life At Sea
SOS, S.O.S. save our souls (ship).
SOV shut-off valve
SOV solenoid operated valve
SO v/v shut-off valve
SP spare parts
sp. specimen
SP, s.p. solidifying point
S.P. series parallel
SP static pressure
sp standard pressure
S.P., s.p. self-propelled
sp. spare
sp. specific
sp(ec). specifications
SPE special-purpose equipment
SPG steel plate galvanized
SPGR, spgr specific gravity
SP ht specific heat
S.P.L. low starting air pressure
spm strokes per minute
spnr spanner
spr specific resistance
SPS standard pipe size
SPST single-pole single-throw
SPT spraytight
sp vol specific volume
sq. square
SR slide resistance
S.R., s.r. slip ring
SRF ship repair facilities
SRL ship repair liability
SROD stove rod
SRV AMPL servo amplifier
SRV VLV servo valve
SS, S.S., S/S screw steamer, steam ship
SS set screw
SS special survey
SS stainless steel
SS superheater steam
SS switch selector
SS structural steel
SSF second Saybolt Furol
SSH steam smothering system in cargo
space (hold)
SSM steam smothering system in
machinery space
SSO submarine oiler
SSS semi-submerged ship
SST stainless steel
SSTU seamless steel tubing
SSU second Saybolt Universal
ST short ton
ST special tools
ST standard time
ST staring
ST steam turbine
St. st stoke
STA starting
S.T.A. shaft tunnel alley
STBD starboard
ST.BY, stby stand-by
Std, std standard
STO stop
S.T.P., s.t.p. standard temperature and pressure
STP steel high pressure seamless pipe
st.p static pressure
STR summary technical report
Str starting rheostat
str.st structural steel
STT steam turbine tanker
SUPLY supply
SUPSHIP supervisor of shipbuilding
SUS, S.U.sec Saybolt Universal Second
SV, S.V., s.v. safety valve
SV slide valve
SV stop valve
sv specific volume
Svy survey
SW, S.W. sea water
SW shipping weight
SW specific weight
SW spot weld
SW, S.W., sw., s.w., s/w switch
SWBD, swbd switchboard
SWL, S.W.L. safe working load
SWP safe working pressure
swr steel wire rope
SY system
SY system monitoring
Syd shipyard
SYM symbol
Syn. synchronous
Syc. synchronous condenser
SYS. system
SYST., syst. system
T Kelvin temperature
T, t temperature
T, t thickness
T, t time
T, t ton
T, t torque
Tab., tab table
TAN, T.A.N. total acid number
T & H temperature and humidity
TB technical bulletin
TB tee-bend T
TB terminal board (block)
T.B. tail bearing
TBCH, TB.CH. turbocharger
TBN, T.B.N. total base number
TBO total burn-off (fuel)
TC technical circular
TC, T.C. temperature coefficient
TC temperature controller
TC turbine-compressor
Tc critical temperature
TCE total composite error
TCR temperature coefficient of
TCV temperature control valve
TCV throttle control valve
TD temperature difference
TDC, T.D.C., tdc top dead centre
tem tandem
TDR time delay relay
TE temperature element
te, t.e. torally-enclose
TEL(E)GR telegraph
telex telegraph exchange
tehp total equivalent brake horse-power
TEMP temperature
term. terminal
TEU telemetering equipment unit
TG timing gauge
TG tons-gross
TG turbo-generator
TGB transfer gearbox
tgm telegram
t/h tons per hour
THP, T.H.P., thp, t.h.p. thrust horse-power
THRUS thrust
THS, t.h.s. total heating surface
TI technical information
TI time interval
TIS test instrumentation system
TL total load
T.L., T/L, tl total loss
TM technical manual
TM temperature meter
TM trade mark
TM twisting moment
tn ton
tn l ton (long) (2240 lb)
tn sh ton (short) (2000 lb)
TO time opening
TOD time of delivery
tol, tol. tolerance
TOPUP COMPR top-up compressor
tor. torque
TOS time of service
TOS temporarily out of service
TP temperature probe
TP test piece
TP test pressure
TP test procedure
tp three-phase
tpdt triple-pole double throw
TPI., T.P.I., tpi teeth per inch
TPI, T.P.I., tpi., t.p.i. threads per inch
tpst triple-pole single throw
TR technical report
TR temperature recorder
TR test requirement
TR temperature relay
T.R., t.r. tons registered
tr tare
trd thread
tr pt, tr.pt. transition point
TRQ total requirement
TS temperature switch
TS tensile strength
TS tool steel
T.S., T/S turbine ship
TS twin-screw
T/S test stand
TSR technical summary report
T.S.S. twin-screw ship
TU, T.U. thermal unit
TUF thermal utilization factor
TW total weight
t.w.l. top water level
U unattended
U unwatched
UBC universal bulk carrier
UC unit cooler
u/c unclassified
UDC, udc upper dead center
UHF ultra high frequency
UHV ultra-high voltage
ULCC ultra large crude oil carrier
ULF ultra low frequency
UMS unattended machinery space
uncl. unclassified
UNC unified coarse thread
UNF unified fine thread
univ. universal
u.p. under proof
US ultra sonic
USC ultra sonic cleaning
US. undersize
UT ultrasonic test
u.t. unemployed time
UTS ultimate tensile strength
UV under voltage
UVC universal contact
uvr under voltage relay
UW ultrasonic wave
UW, u/w underwater
V ship classed in BV
V, v velocity
V volt
V,v volume
VA, V.A. volt-ampere
VAC, vac vacuum
VAC, vac voltage of alternative current
val. value
VAM, V.A.M., v.a.m. voltammeter
VAP PRF vapour proof
var volt-ampere reactive
var. variable
VB valve box
VC variable capacitor
VCL vertical center line
VDC direct-current volts
VDR voltage dependent resistor
vel. velocity
vent. ventilator
vert. vertical
VF variable frequency
VF flash voltage
vgc viscosity-gravity constant
VH vent hole
VH Vickers hardness
VHF,vhf very high frequency
VHN Vickers hardness number
VI, v.i. viscosity index
VI viscosity indicator
VISC viscosity
viz. videlicet (namely, that is)
vl. valve
VLCC very large crude (oil) carrier
vlf very low frequency
VM velocity meter
Vm, vm, v.m. voltmeter
Vol., vol. volume
VOM, V.O.M., v.o.m. volt-ohm meter
VP vapour pressure
VP, vp, v.p. variable pitch
VP variable pitch propeller
VPN Vickers pyramid number
VR variable resistor
VR voltage regulator
vs vapour seal
vs versus
VSG variable speed gear
VSG motor variable speed gear motor
VT, V.T. voltage transformer
v.v. vice versa
W watt
W, w width
W work
WAC working alternating current
Watt-hr watt-hour
wb wet bulb (thermometer)
WB babbit metal, white metal
WC water-cooled
WD wet dock
WD whole depth
WD, wd, w.d. wiring diagram
wdg winding
WF water filter
WG water gauge
wg worn gear
WH wheel house
WH®, Wh(r) watt-hour
WHM watt-hour meter
WHR, W.H.R., w.h.r. waste heat recovery
WHRU waste heat recovery unit
WI wrought iron
WL wave length
WM width molded
WM, w.m. white metal
WM water meter
WM wattmeter
W/M weight or measurement
WP working point
WP working pressure
wp water pump
wp water proof
wpfg water proofing
WQ water quenched
Wrk wreck
WS water pressure test for strength
WS wrought steel
W.S. & T. water pressure test for strength and tightness
WSM water suppling system in
machinery space
WSP working steam pressure
WT water tank
WT water-tight
Wt watt
wt weight
WT, W/T, w.t. wireless telephone
WTB, W.T.B. watertight bulkhead
WTC, W.T.C. watertight compartment
WTD, W.T.D. watertight door
WTH, W.T.H. watertight hatch
wt/h.p. weight/horse-power
WTMH, W.T.M.H. watertight manhole
WTQAD, W.T.Q.A.D. watertight quick
action door
wv working voltage
X, x reactance
XA auxiliary amplifier
XC, Xc capacitive reactance
Xconn cross connection
XL, Xl inductive reactance
XL extra large
Xplan explanation
X.S. extra strong
Y prototype
Y Y-connection
YB, Y.B. year book
Yd yard
yd yard
YDS Y-delta starter
YP, y.p. yield point
yr year
YrB year book
YS yield strength
Z, z impedance
Z zero
ZAP zinc anode place
ZAP zinc anode for perimeter.
Zl zero line